Artist3D - 3D Modeling Toool for iPad and iPhone
Artist3D - A 3D Modeling Tool
What it is
It's an easy-to-use 3d modeling tool.
It supports multitouch on iPad and iPhone.
It features sketch-based modeling and image-based modeling.
It needs less than 30 controls, no menus, no text input.
What to do

Print reference card to have an overview. (auf Deutsch: Referenzkarte)
Watch video tutorials to learn workflows.
Read tips and tricks. (auf Deutsch: Tipps und Tricks)
Exchange VRML97 files and Wavefront obj files with other tools.
Use Shapeways 3d printing service per button click.
Get help by sending an e-mail to

How to learn

Artist3D: Basic concepts
Artist3D: Augmented Reality: Modeling in your living room
Artist3D: Polygonal Modeling: Working with selections, Smoothig meshes, Extruding polygons
Tutorial House With Tree:
Working with objects, 3D Painting Read instructions,
Tutorial Turtle:: Using photographs, Export, 3D Printing
Tutorial Teapot: Polygonal modeling, 3D Printing

Basic concepts
Augmented Reality
Polygonal Modeling Tutorial House With Tree Read instructions
Tutorial Turtle
Tutorial Teapot
Here is the Artist3D Youtube channel with further videos.
What it is not
It's neither a rendering nor an animation tool.
It does not provide any freeform surfaces.
It does not support any other textures than colormap textures.
Libeskind Building of Jewish Museum, Berlin (VRML97, Artist3D); Teapot with writings (VRML97, Artist3D)
What's next
The Future Of 3D Modeling
Who is responsible
(c) 2012 Thomas Jung all rights reserved, contact: